T r e a d Softly... YOU MIGHT TRIP ON TEXT

Sunday, December 17, 2006


It is Sutlaj's comment that has brisked me up to leave this post.

It's nearing the end of the year, and nearly all my writing has been done to complete my novel.
Funny about that, though. The novel had already been completed in 2001. But then my publishers put forward this condition: that I write a non-fiction book first, and then they would take up the novel and take it up in a big way. I agreed after a lot of thought, but the book stayed stuck and reluctant.
In the meanwhile, short stories and poetry for various anthologies happened, as also a novel for children.
Now my editor has moved on to another publishing house, and I have been polishing and doing a bit of work on the novel; and a week ago, I sent it in to the new publishers. Now, somehow, I feel that I can get on with the non-fiction; as though the weight of the novel has been taken away from me. Whew, these are personal idiosyncracies, and they do get in the way of writing. But it's also what's fun about the process of hibernation where you close in on yourself and have nothing but a keyboard and screen for company for hours--days--together. Maybe 2007 will see this blog grow bigger and stronger.