When you go Next Blog...Next Blog...Next Blog, you come across so many interesting ones. Some of them are visually Wow, but in a language you can't follow which is a pity. There are so many people, both anonymous and not-so-anon, who make you want to meet them and talk to them and discuss what they've written and what they've seen and the people they flaunt around in their blogs, but they too pass by like faces on a railway platform, and you're left cold till the---you're right, the Next Blog.
But do visit Earbrass & Satlaj and Saritha when you can.
The first and the last have Blogs here. The second one will start her blog with enough encouragement like this, and then we could visit her too.
Hello there T.
What a lovely post.
This is a wonderful literary blog. How I love them.
I wrote about the Yellow Flower lady.
I am myself Indian. :-)
I was very tickled by her idealogies.
I'm excited that you're a writer and have sent out your novel manucript.
Do come and visit more often and I'd be happy to read up on your posts everytime you have something new.
They sound enriching.
May I add you to my links on the side of my blog?
This wor is very good, thank you
have nice week
Thanks, David. And I AM having a nice week, though not a flying one like yours!
Susan, liked your work and comments. i'd be delighted if you'd link up. i'll add your link on my blog--- and consider me a regular visitor! (you could also visit my website which is linked here.)
Earbrass thanks you from the bottom of his ears. Or, the Bottom, of his ears (hee haw!)
talking of ears & Bottoms and the brass therein, click on my "complete profile" and take a peek at my answer to the Blog God's question. (hee haw, shee haw, they all haw)
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